Monday, March 31, 2008

Fourth Assignment

Three elements that I have found in my book are actually very easy to recognize. The first one is a metaphor, which is "The city is an ocean.." Ths is a metaphor because well the city is not really an ocean. What it means is that the whole city is so joined together like an ocean. Everyone is seen as one and not seperated. What it does to the book is that it helps it describe how on certain places, slavery was not common and how everyone was seen as one and not differently.
Another element I found was symbolism, which is one of the characters who is named Beloved. Beloved represents and symbolizes the past and death. She represents teh past that Sethe is trying to get rid of and she meets Beloved and it all comes back to her. The memories of her baby girl and so many dreadful deathly memories that she had forgotten all came back to her right when Beloved came into the picture. Beloved is very important to the book because she sums everything together and shows how things were in the past and how disturbing it all was.
The last element I found was the setting of the story. The setting is out in the country in the 1800's, where slavery was present and alive. The house is a big two story house that seems to have some paranormal things going on. It all adds to the book alot because if the setting was different, the whole story would be out of line. The author chose this setting because he wanted to point out how horrible slavery was and how all the victims were scarred for life with all the memories.