Friday, March 7, 2008

second assignment

1. I think that the main character is Sethe, because she was the one that escaped from Sweet Home, which is the place where she lived and was a slave. Sethe is very brave and proud. She escaped from Sweet Home pregnant and started a new life in a whole different town. Sethe is also in a way very blind and kind of too proud, because she sees everything how her house is and how terrible it is, and also how much it is affecting her daughter and she doesnt do anything to stop it and help her daughter. She knows that there is something wrong with the house, she knows that there is a ghost and its affecting her daughter alot, and she is not doing to stop it and just leave, all because she saids that shes worked too hard for it and sghe finally has a home. Sethe is also very young when it comes to love. She hadnt been with a man or even around a man, in over 18 years and now that an old friend from Sweet Home visits her, she is acting like a teenager in love. "Her mother left off swinging her feet and being girlish. Memory of Sweet Home dropped away from the eyes of the man she was being girlish for."

2. In a way Denver, who is Sethes daughter is like me. She is very independent and strong when it comes to fear. She is also very wise and she knows more than what people think. She is very young but she knows things that people dont even imagine. I am like that as well, because since I was little I have always been very independent and smart. I always knew what was going on, when my mom always thought I had no idea. Also I dont get scared easily, and when something does scare me, I stand up tall and just face everything and I can really control my fear just like Denver does.

3. I am Sethe and all I see is my perfect little daughter crying and me just holding her. I see a big, dark house and translucent red lights around the living room. I see an old beat up kitchen and wooden furniture, and absolutely no color in my home. Everything is dark and dull, and it makes me sad to see this. I see cabinet doors shut on their own and I hear the crying of my little baby girl who passed away so many years ago. I hear Denver crying and screaming while Paul D tells her itll be ok. I hear Paul D's laugh and his old beaten down by the years voice. I smell the recently wet grass out in the field, the dow of bread on the kitchen table. The fresh already cooked bisciuts on the table. I taste the fear in my mouth when I hear the doors being slammed. I feel scared and helpless, and know that I can not leave my home no matter what. Even though things are bad Im happy that Paul D is here to be with me. I feel like a coward that I dont just leave and get Denver out of here and leaving all the memories in the past.